Friday 16 December 2011

Cheaters are s**t faces (soot faces)

There are plenty of shits in society. Wait, excuse my language! I meant cheats! I guess the difference is so slight that I often confuse the two.
Original image, without the editing is courtesy of 20th Century Fox

I'm not referring to the cheating involved when fraud cheater people do what they're good at, cheetahs or even when you attempt copyright and copyleft in an exam or test. I'm writing about cheating done within a relationship. The one that involves you doing stuff that you wouldn't do if your girlfriend, boyfriend, wife, husband or fiance was there with you. If you knew your girlfriend could have access to your Facebook inbox would you write that dirty (not dirty in a Dubstep way) message or if your boyfriend could see you enjoying that drunken hook-up with a guy you just met would you do it? No, you wouldn't. If you still would carry on with your crap behaviour then ask yourself if you should be in a relationship. Also, maybe, Tybalt should have stabbed you instead of Mercutio (doucheface).

Society has made it okay to cheat. It has become something that you should expect. There's science to back up why men do it, musicians sing about and say "It wasn't me" and marriage has become an extended long relationship. I still don't think it's okay. I hope I'm not the only one who still thinks that. I believe in people from an age ago that would stick together forever. You know those cute but incredibly creepy photos of old people kissing? I believe in things like that. There's something righteous about resisting temptation if you know it's the correct thing to do. There's something amazing about choosing to stay faithful. Cheating is a choice you make.

What irks me is how far some people are willing to go to cheat. Did you know that, "I'm sorry, I have a boyfriend," has never worked for me (even when I was dating someone)? When I use it as an excuse to get away from guys I don't particularly want to be near, I say it convincingly. I don't know how many times I have heard this response: "It's okay, it's not cheating if he doesn't know." You would think that the  boundary of a relationship would keep someone away from you but it has never worked. People have no sense of what is right anymore. A joke I used to laugh at:

Reasonable guy: "Dude she has a boyfriend..."
Fool: "Yeah so? Soccer has a goalie, doesn't mean you can't score."
Guess you didn't manage to score this time (Edwin van der Sar)

On December 1st, World Aids Day, my mom mentioned that there was new data coming in about the groups of people with the highest rate of new infections. The one that bothered me was the category of married women. You wonder how they fall into the high-risk category? A majority of the women reported to have contracted HIV as married women had only slept with their husbands in the past year, not other men. That means that their husbands not only cheated on them but also contracted HIV from somewhere and passed it onto them. That's a double-whammy of horror! The ultimate betrayal.

Why shouldn't you cheat even though it's 'okay'? Firstly, you are aware that it destroys the other person and gives them a host of insecurities that they carry into their next relationship. That person becomes that naggy, insecure girlfriend who questions you when you want to go to the bathroom or that guy who will come with you to a girls' night out. By cheating you also tell that person that they weren't good enough and fell short in some area. However, as everyone falls short, I believe that you happened to fall shortest (if I can say that) because you're a cheating mess who was too cowardly to do anything about your current relationship. You're also limiting yourself. If you're not happy in that relationship and feel a need to cheat then why are you still there? You could meet so many more awesome people if you were single.

My honest feelings are:
- If you want to cheat. Don't date.
- Don't double-time someone, choose one and stick with them.
- If you do mess up (as in a once off stupid drunk mistake), be honest.
- If you loved them then you wouldn't do it.

So I hope you think twice about shitting (cheating) and that you join me in trying to fix the sordid mess our society has created. I do believe in values and morals and not all this darkness and lust that destroys everything we touch.