
Henrietta - "A Student's Guide to Dealing with University, Engineering and Engineering Students"
Its ALL sooo true!!!

Roxy - General
You're a great writer :) Hope you're well girl! 

Thandi - General
Read your blog. Nice :)
Wanted to start one for so long. You've inspired me to finally take the plunge :)

Nick Khoo - "Road Rage - Nick Khoo"
ha sick!! I completely forgot i wrote that i knew the difference between butter and i cant believe it's not butter. HAHAHA

i howled like a baby

Are you telling me that the meltdown Will has is...for reals? :| I just thought that was well acted

Miss Y this is amazing

Emefa - "Where am I from? I am from..."
I'm in the same boat, Yetu :). I'm also not going to list the specific countries but I think you know me well enough to understand.

Rufaro - "Where am I from? I am from..."
Love it!!!! Definitely something everyone needs to of the aunties always says a trifle never tastes good with only one part but with all the parts of it combined u have a fab desert...that's how i came to define my sense of self!! This is perfect Yets!!!

Kai - General
whoa!!!! i just found your blog(s), damn girl, one word, QUALITY!!! :D

Griet Artists - "Dirty Electro Dubstep Vibes"
Awesome article lady and thanks for the kind words...only one thing wrong and thats that Young Blood is a Griet brand...its the Stage that we showcase the up and coming...Awesome Thanks You again for the kind words :-)

Rufaro - General
I'm a fan!!