Sunday 29 January 2012

"Anti-Nigga" Girls and Interracial Dating

One statement I heard recently from a black girl was, "I'm an anti-nigga kind of girl." I laughed but I began to wonder how many more girls have already zoned themselves without declaring it. Mixed schools + Angry African dads + Class division = A generation of black girls who don't want to date black guys. I thought it might be a good idea to explore why this is happening and why interracial couples are still not the norm. If you're already feeling uncomfortable or have a feeling that you will take offense then I suggest you stop reading, look at the cool picture and leave.

Back in the day, The-Days-That-Should-Not-Be-Named-Because-People-Immediately-Get-Tense, schools weren't mixed. You rarely got to interact with people from a different race unless you were working with or for them. "Anti-nigga" girls didn't exist because you would stick to the "norm" in terms of dating and marriage. Then Apartheid -yes, I said it - ended and schools slowly began to change. I mentioned the influence of school first because it is probably the most important factor when trying to see why the generation of "anti-nigga" girls exist.

Going to a good school in the early 90s meant moving to a white school. A minority of black parents were able to send their children to these schools. These children were the children of parents who had saved lots of money, for a very long time or were from other African countries. You know these children. The educated young adults that don't exactly sound black. They grew up surrounded by a lot of white children and very few black children. Understand that preference is developed by levels of exposure. Continuous exposure means certain things become the norm for you. If the minority children of the 90s had stayed in black schools then perhaps there wouldn't be such a big group of people that are okay with the idea of interracial dating. These minority children were friends with other black children. You wonder why do "anti-nigga" girls exist then? There are quite a few reasons but I believe it might be due to family dynamics and Neo-Apartheid.

[Generalisation coming up!] Women either marry men who are like their fathers or someone completely different. Guys do the same but use their mothers as reference. Now observe, the minority children are going to white schools. They are best friends with children that have white parents, seemingly more liberal than their parents. Animosity builds up because the minority children have strict black parents, the anger is directed at the fathers and that means crap relationships with their fathers. Daddy issues develop over time and BOOM girls don't want to date anyone like their fathers, so sorry black guys. It is judgmental, unfair and dangerous (I'll explain why later). You might get lucky and find a decent black guy, who had great parents and learnt some epic "how to behave" skills. You might also find that he's already taken.
Now onto the topic of Neo-Apartheid, class division. Class is determined by how much money you have. You will generally date within your "class". The minority children that were able to go to good schools from a young age were separated from the lower classes a very long time ago. The only experience black girls have of lower class men is cat-calls, shouted promises of marriage, awkward grabs, rude comments and fear. This just serves to turn them further away from the idea of dating black guys because they feel uncomfortable when any black guy is trying to court them.

Movies like Something New, Guess Who and Save the Last Dance give hope to the generation looking for an interracial relationship. The only reason they need hope is because while growing up people made you realise that what you prefer is not wrong, but not really right. Growing up and not being aware of colour is a life experience that many miss out on. Small comments, witnessing minor reactions  and experiencing racism slowly colour in the characters of your colouring book. Before the scenery was coloured in and the little people playing in the scenes were not but over time you pick up a white crayon or a brown one or even perhaps a yellow one and start to fill in the blanks. The young adults of today are supposed to be the generation free of racial divides, however while there might not be physical boundaries there are mental ones. This brings me to the judgement.

Depending on where you live people will react to seeing an interracial couple. Areas largely free from judgement are the so-called "new" South Africa. I don't suggest you get married to someone from a different race in Orania, Northern Cape, rather go to Cape Town.

If you're in an area where interracial couples aren't common, or even still frowned upon, then people will react by staring. You will get four types of looks: the envious glance from people who want what you have; the shocked gawk: "Oh my gosh! That black girl is kissing that white guy on the cheek! Are they dating?"; the disgusted glower from people who are stuck in the past; and the look of pity from those who understand your judgement. You only have to look as far as recent news to see that the stares and comments will continue for a very long time.
Photo available here
Above is a poster made by the DA Student Organisation. The country went crazy! Most of the reactions were in support but a large amount of racist comments popped up. People need to get over themselves.

You might meet someone at these places but make sure you want to date them for the right reasons. Don't date a black girl, just because she's black. Don't date a white guy, just because he's white. You might be attracted to something but getting to know that person should determine whether or not you want to take it further. That's common sense. If you don't know who you are and what you want you might fall into a trap (the bit about danger). Some people are 'adventurous' because they want to experiment with stereotypes. Apparently black people are good in the sack. Then you have to deal with uncomfortable feelings because you're wanted but in a derogatory way. I often wonder why such old white guys are dating such young black girls. I would also suggest that you stay away from the creepy old Afrikaans guys.

So in conclusion, "anti-nigga girls" exist. You were made by society. You have a preference but I am adamant that you should open your eyes and stop seeing colour, stop seeing black and saying no, stop seeing white or indian or south-east asian and saying yes all the time. I hope you will be lucky enough to find someone who sees beyond colour or even sees your colour and loves it for the right reasons. The same applies to everyone else. You might miss out on the love of your life because they didn't look like what you're used to. 

The Process of Leaving Someone

The process of leaving someone that makes you unhappy:
- Anger (head knowledge - decide that you will move on, little issues bother you and there is no common ground)
- Sadness (head knowledge becomes heart knowledge - realise what leaving means and think about the good days)
- Acceptance (two options - stay and repeat the cycle or realise that you might not be okay now but you will be one day and leave)

Things that help:
- Good advice, not just friends listening to you in the anger phase
- Expressing it (see below, currently in stage 2&3)
- Music

Wednesday 18 January 2012

SOPA? PIPA? SOAP? A PIP? (Understand What They Are About)

So you might have noticed that the Wikipedia page looks weird.

It's to do with SOPA, the Stop Online Piracy Act, and PIPA, Protect IP Act. They were drafted to give the US government the authority to do crazy things to websites that allowed copyrighted things to be shown and/or posted. It's all about protecting the entertainment industry. For example things Mediafire, Youtube and even Twitter would be under fire because they have users posting copyrighted things. The US government would be able to block their pages, get US companies to stop advertising off their websites and fine search engines for linking users to websites with copyrighted material within the US. Both acts will probably get abused by the US government.
The world is going on about it and you wonder why you should care.

Think of what it means for us, especially in South Africa.

Our government already has permission to censor certain information from us within the media forum (Black Tuesday). They catch wind of these two acts and they start censoring the internet in South Africa too. What if we couldn't organise protests for change like in Egypt because they simply have the means to shut down Facebook and Twitter? So much for social media and freedom.

Watch this video to fully comprehend how bad SOPA and PIPA are.

PROTECT IP / SOPA Breaks The Internet from Fight for the Future on Vimeo.
Tell Congress not to censor the internet NOW! -

PROTECT-IP is a bill that has been introduced in the Senate and the House and is moving quickly through Congress. It gives the government and corporations the ability to censor the net, in the name of protecting "creativity". The law would let the government or corporations censor entire sites-- they just have to convince a judge that the site is "dedicated to copyright infringement."

The government has already wrongly shut down sites without any recourse to the site owner. Under this bill, sharing a video with anything copyrighted in it, or what sites like Youtube and Twitter do, would be considered illegal behavior according to this bill.

According to the Congressional Budget Office, this bill would cost us $47 million tax dollars a year — that's for a fix that won't work, disrupts the internet, stifles innovation, shuts out diverse voices, and censors the internet. This bill is bad for creativity and does not protect your rights.

Monday 9 January 2012

Leave The Weave!

I had my hair cut short in what I thought was a moment of madness during the November exams last year. My hair is a natural afro now. I've actually begun to realise that I have been crazy all these years because of the things I used to do to my hair. I'm not alone, there are millions of women all over the world that have some how lost sight of what is good for themselves and for their hair. You see them in class, church, walking down the road and on TV. This madness grabs all races by the ponytail. I'm going to focus on Black hair and recent hair history, because that's what I know best but I will mention crazy things Asian and White girls do to their hair.

Madness probably began with the hot comb, somewhere in the 60s. Hot combs, back then, were metal combs heated on the stove or in a fire. That implies that you would have burnt badly when you used one.
That's okay, right?
As long as you have manageable hair? (Haha, WTF!).
Hot combs stayed for quite a while before the 80s came around. Relaxers became popular around this time. Some crazy hair stylist decided it was a good thing to throw a really strong base into Black hair to straighten it. These relaxers were so corrosive that many had chemical burns for weeks. They were also expensive.
The price did not deter many of the girls back then they simply made do with oven cleaner.
They probably also used the timer.
Photo available here
Times changed, relaxers became better and then braiding came into fashion at the end of the 80s. Around this time in the iconic hairstyle was the Boom Shaka braids. They took forever to braid. If you were at the mercy of someone who liked to pull while they braided you were often left crying silently because you had to stay and endure the pain for this hairstyle.
Boom Shaka braids!
Photo available here
Towards the end of the 90s weaves became popular. I believe this was the pinnacle of hair madness. There is a generation of women who have lost their hairlines. Their hair is so finished that they're ashamed to remove their weaves and leave their hair as is. In fact, many women remove their weaves and put a new one in on the same day. It's a cruel cycle because the weaves and the braiding cause the hair loss.

That's Naomi Campbell and that's not hot, at all.
Photo available here
I believe Black women have always wanted to have the illusion of longer hair. This mindset was present in the hot comb era. You came blame the media for making us think specific things are beautiful but in the end you have to look at yourself and see what you've done. Hair madness has also allowed us to become the butt of many jokes (sigh... Chris Rock). So one of my wise friends proposed this: "Leave the Weave!" We have a collective agreement to keep our hair natural and rid the world of nasty hair. You should join us too. Natural hair is really easy to maintain and you'll never have to experience Black Girl Hair Problems (below).

Black women aren't the only ones who do crazy things to their hair. Some of the crazy things White and South-East Asian girls do to their hair:
1. It's so permanently dyed that it's dead (not that hair is alive but their hair is especially dead).
Lady Gaga has admitted that she's going chemically bald because her hair is falling out because she dyes it so much
Photo available here
2. They relax their hair too. I really don't understand this one because it is mostly straight.
You look like a nice lady but WTF are you doing?
Photo available here
3. My favourite, the tacky hair extensions. A white girl's weave. Does the same thing to your hair, removes it, and normally looks incredibly cheap.
So classy that she got a few As in trash
Photo available here
So can I get a collective, "Leave the weave!"? I mean it in the sense that if you're ashamed to show your real hair and you're damaging it then you should leave the weave, the peroxide, the braids, relaxer cremes and give your hair a break. This is more than hair it's about being happy with your beautiful self and loving what you've got.

Thursday 5 January 2012

A Student's Guide to Dealing with University, Engineering and Engineering Students

Grade 12 Results were released yesterday and today so you should know if you got into university by now. If you didn't make the cut Garath Cliff did suggest you pick up the following careers:
- Mud-pie maker (He did go onto explain that the market was very saturated with toddlers competing with you so it might not work out)
- Clock reader (Read the time to me because sometimes looking at my watch is just too much effort)
- Personal car guard (If I go to a shopping centre and the other car guards are hassling me, I could just open the boot of my car and say, "No, no, I have a car guard.")

You do realise I am joking and there is a ton of stuff you can still do with yourself. Being great doesn't mean you are defined by a university degree. If you have made it into university then you need a strong drink, this guide and anti-depressants for later on during the year. There's two sections to this guide, the general ones and the Engineering side.

General rules

1) Put those heels away, stupid bitch
I have seen girls wearing high heels on campus. I have no words for these girls. Firstly, you look stupid because you're trying so hard. In fact, people want you to fall. Secondly, you walk so much on campus that you're limping at the end of the day. Do you want to cause permanent foot and ankle damage?
You're not a style icon, nor do you spend a lot of your time just sitting. Take them off.
Courtesy of
Actually go ahead, do it. Engineering depresses me so much that I need a good laugh when I see you trying to walk.

2) If you teach someone else how to do it you will fail
One day you decide to learn your work for the practical or test and do well. Then a friend asks for help. You say, "Sure" and take time out of your day to explain to them.
You write the test.
You feel great.
They write.
They feel shit.
You feel sorry for them but you did try help them.
You get the tests back and...
I don't know why it happens. It just does.

3) If you're walking in with a low mark, it takes super human brain powers to pass
At the end of every year everyone says that next year they'll start earlier with the workload and do it continiously. That means pre-reading what you're going to do in class, making notes that day and re-reading all your work at the end of each week. If you, yes you, can make a habit of that you will be in Golden Key or even on the Dean's List with minimal effort. Few have succeeded in making a habit of this. Things that will put you off are your social life, laziness and supposedly having no time. When you do not keep up you start failing a few class tests, maybe a semester test too and you get into the exams with a mark between 50% and 40%. Do you know how hard you have to work to pass?! Be a man! Do the right thing! Do your work continuously!

4) Don't get on the bunking train
Don't bunk that lecture. Don't even think about it. Bunking that first lecture is like putting one foot on a slow moving train as it's leaving the platform. The next week when you have that lecture again you will feel no compulsion to go, so that's two feet on the train as it's moving slowly. Then you start bunking all the lectures for that class and the train has sped up. The point is because you're on the bunking train and are having awesome train parties you start to bunk important lectures too, ones that you have to go to. Then you start considering ways to bunk practicals and skip tutorials. While you're having such a good time no one ever bothers to let you know that the train is set to crash land in Fail City.
This train will make your life extremely difficult!
Courtesy of hisks
This especially applies to engineering because lecturers are cruel and can cover up to three chapters in a textbook in one lecture. Then when you're anxiously sweating because you didn't listen to 3) you'll skip out section 5 or 6 because there is no time to understand it and guess what? Murphy's Law, Section 5 AND 6 appear in the test.

5) Pick your social life, not based on your friends but based on how you like to party.
No one actually ever considers doing this but it makes for far more enjoyable times. If you're into binge drinking of the sort then go for the engineering students (they party like Kappa Tau in Greek).
Courtesy of
Medical students moderate between partying hard and chilling, they do tend to have fun parties. BComm students tend to stick to the clubs and have dinners (blah blah blah). BA students have the best social lives, they do everything. There's a place for you anywhere, you just need to make the right sort of friends.

6) Residence students are the best (In South Africa: residence = dorm)
I love res kids, everyone should have res friends. Not only do they know how to party but they're good for a few things:
- They have the res network. The res network is an open file sharing system for everyone within the residence. This is important academically because you can get past papers which are a blessing to learn with. This is also important for entertainment reasons because you have access to torrent downloads of programs, music, videos and series.
- Res events. If you don't have a res friend you won't know about the SICKEST parties. You haven't partied unless you've gone to pre-spring break parties, Zeff Troue (when residences marry each other for a year) and Pot en Pons (R20 for all you can drink punch).

Engineering rules

1) Don't fail your core modules
If you're in engineering then check out which modules you require for the next year and don't fail them. Do everything in your power to pass them because you will be held back a year if you don't pass them. Fail the other ones if you will, because you can repeat them with minor worries. For mechanical and civil engineering first year students that means not failing Calculus and Mechanics (Do not fail those two!). I don't know, nor care about the other engineering courses.

2) Ladies! Watch out for the engineering boys!
My engineering guy friends are going to hate me for this. I really do love you all, I do, it's just that I've picked out a few trends that put you into groups. Some are the exception! Others fit nicely into the boxes and some switch between the boxes. My guess is that if you're trying to date a nice hot guy go to the medical students.

The last thing you will do is read this thing again at the end of the year and realise you should have listened in the beginning. Rather don't do that and make a choice to try and use some of the advice here. 

Road Rage - Nick Khoo

I thought this was hilarious! It might actually make your day. I never thought I would be capable of road rage but one of my friends estimated I'd last a year and he was right. I'm of the firm belief that old people and Audi drivers should be removed off the roads.

Nick Khoo, the person that made this video, is from Australia and he's a full-time mograph and video designer filmmaker. According to his profile he can also tell the difference between butter and "I can't believe it's not butter."

Courtesy of the
Nick seems like a sweet guy. He said the following: "Anyways, I am humbled (humble bragging!) that anyone found this funny or at least shared in my sense of humour. And to everyone to enjoyed the vid, thanks for sharing the laughs with me."
He did the entire video using the Adobe After Effects Shapes tool and Duik so he could do the inverse kinematics in After Effects. If you want to read more about the process I suggest you check out his blog,, and the article he wrote on it.

So watch the video and laugh.
It's funny.